Our Goal

Geographically, the Arusha Mental Health Trust covers the municipality of Arusha, which has a population sometimes reported as 400,000 and often as many as 800,000 people.


The goal of the Trust is to facilitate quality mental health care in the Arusha area. This is currently done through:

  • Providing direct services in psychiatry and psychology
  • Reducing stigma and raise awareness of mental health issues
  • Training and supporting other services providers

Mental health concerns are prevalent in this country and mental health service provision is rare and laden with taboo, not specifically or adequately budgeted for, or invisible to those needing service. AMHT works to provide mental health service in an integrated model within the government hospital, as part of government policy, and within World Health Organization guidelines.

As a small department of clinicians it is a challenge to meet the demands of mental health provision, and to target the areas of work where we can be most effective for the greatest number of clients in a cost efficient manner.


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